Implementation of the results of R&D study in the company FOL-MECH in order to offer new products
The goal of the project is to increase the competitiveness and innovativeness of the company on the local, regional, national and international market by implementing the results of R&D studies and new products developed on their basis – bags welded with a warm-blooded Y type jaw.
Expected outcomes of the project:
- implementation of the results of independently carried out and commissioned R&D studies and their commercialization,
- implementation of innovative solutions in terms of process, product, organization and ecology,
- introducing to the market new products – bags welded with a warm-blooded Y-type jaw,
- acquiring new groups of customers and increasing sales revenues,
- acquiring foreign markets and strengthening the position on the domestic market,
- creation of 1 new permanent job/headcount,
- introduction of environmentally friendly solutions, resource saving, rational resource management,
- implementation and application of information and communication technologies (ICT),
- increasing the level of enterprise innovation,
- increasing the FOL-MECH brand recognition level
- increasing experience in the area of commercialization of R&D results, implementing innovations and introducing new products to the market.
Total value of the project: 1 479 997,50 PLN
Contribution of the European Funds: 579 450,00 PLN